Introducing Imperial College Musical Theatre Society (MTSoc), host of spectacular shows since 1956. Whether you're hungry for an opportunity to dazzle in the spotlight, jump into the pit as part of our incredible band or work behind the scenes with costume, make-up and tech, MTSoc invites you to join us and find your niche in one of the most exciting societies Imperial has to offer.
With an ever expanding number of shows, including the full scale Spring Show, 24 hour musicals and Showcases, alongside great socials, MTSoc is a great way to get involved in something different. Previous shows include Footloose, Legally Blonde, In The Heights, RENT, Sweeney Todd and The Rocky Horror Show. Below you can find a description of all our annual shows.
The cabaret-style Revue show is MTSoc's first production of the year and is designed to welcome newcomers into the society and give everyone a taste of what the MTSoc is about. In addition to the show, which runs towards the end of autumn term, you can expect a variety of social events throughout the year including discounted West End trips, Rockaoke and MTSoc Sports Day. Click below to watch more.
The Spring Show is the BIG one. With competitive auditions opening just before the end of autumn term, the cast, crew and band rehearse through spring term in preparation for the society's greatest annual spectacle. Taking place in late Spring, this 'full scale' musical production is the highlight of the year for MTSoc, and for ICL's social calendar.
"The 24" is wrapped in secrecy. Up until 7pm the night before the show opens, no-one knows what the show is going to be. No title, roles, songs, scripts or costumes are given away. The cast, crew and band then have only 24 hours to produce an entire musical production. It is an intense labour of love that never fails to astound the audience, and is not for the faint hearted. #noclues #massconfusion
Our spring term Studio Show is a small-scale production designed to showcase the talents of society members alongside Spring Show. Created in 2018 to accommodate a rapidly growing society, the show is flexible and experimental in its contents and style. It's a great opportunity for directors to bring unconventional ideas to life and for performers to create brand new roles onstage.
The October Show is a small-scale production hosted by members from the previous year to entertain incoming Freshers and give them a taste of what we can do. The show is part of a double bill where MTSoc collaborates with DramSoc (ICU's Drama Society), and is the perfect time for newcomers to get to know each other and the society's existing members.
Our mid-term cabarets are the perfect excuse to get away from college and enjoy an evening of musical theatre sung by fabulous members of our society. Every term we leave Imperial (if only) to a nearby pub to celebrate the society's talents over a pint (or five).